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Lecture ‘Religious Extremism as Trigger of Reformation: Intra-faith Dynamics and Implications for Inter-faith Dialogue’ by Martin Accad

Datum evenement: 12 December 2023
Locatie: Hybrid: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Zoom


Practical details and registration:
Time: 15:30 PM CET
Registration: To register (and receive the zoom link) send an email to extremebeliefs.fgw@vu.nl


Religions are dynamic in theology and praxis, both of which are the result of complex hermeneutics. Theological and praxiological dynamism is the reason for religions’ internal diversity (moderate to radical). Internal religious diversity challenges all essentialist interpretations of religions. This understanding of intra-faith dynamics opens the way for many possibilities in interfaith dialogue. We will explore, in particular, post-ISIS developments within Islam and their implications for interfaith dialogue. Conversely, we will close with brief reflections on how the Israel-Gaza war might impact intra-Christian dynamics as a result of rising tensions between “biblically-inspired” right-wing and progressive politics, and possible implications for interfaith dialogue in the future.