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CANCELLED. Lecture: ‘The underestimated impact of pseudoscience in the Corona discourse’ by Michael Baurmann

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CANCELLED. Lecture: ‘The underestimated impact of pseudoscience in the Corona discourse’ by Michael Baurmann

Datum evenement: 21 June 2022
Locatie: Hybrid



The underestimated impact of pseudoscience in the Corona discourse
Michael Baurmann
Prof. Dr. Michael Baurmann is a Senior Professor for Sociology at the University of Duesseldorf and Scientific Director of the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) in Bochum.

15:00 CET

Science and scientific experts have enjoyed exceptional trust during the Corona crisis in many democratic countries. It is not yet clear whether this development can be secured and help to strengthen this crucial institution after the end of the pandemic. Therefore, some general reflections on the conditions for sustainable trust in science in a knowledge-based and digital society seem to be in place. Four main factors will be discussed: 1. The social establishment of reliable criteria to certify scientific expertise. 2. A use of these criteria in heuristic rules that empower laymen to identify trustworthy experts. 3. A stable “veritistic equilibrium” in trust-networks that ensures a “truth-conserving” distribution of knowledge. 4. A defence of trustworthy science in the digital world where it is endangered most.