Framing of Fundamentalism in the Digital Media Space

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Framing of Fundamentalism in the Digital Media Space

Date Published: 27 September 2021
Author(s): Clyde Missier


Frames of fundamentalism in the media are biased and incomplete

Amsterdam – Constructs and frames in the media of religious fundamentalism are incomplete and biased. That’s the main argument of the paper “Framing of Fundamentalism in the Digital Media Space” by Clyde A. Missier. The article has been published in the official Journal of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies.

The paper seeks to understand the relationship between media and the framing of religious fundamentalism in the digital media space. Clyde Missier is looking into the fundamentalism phenomenon through concepts of mass communication, framing theories and he examines several empirical findings of the framing of fundamentalism in Canada, France, the Netherlands, and India. His inquiry is also an attempt to analyze the various definitions of global religious fundamentalism.