Article: Deep Disagreement (Part 2): Epistemology of Deep Disagreement This paper by Chris Ranalli and Thirza Lagewaard was published in Philosophy Compass, Volume 17,…Anna22 April 2023
Article: Deep Disagreement (Part 1): Theories of Deep Disagreement This paper by Chris Ranalli and Thirza Lagewaard was published in Philosophy Compass, Volume 17,…Anna22 April 2023
Group Ignorance: An Account Based on Case Studies of Fundamentalist and White Ignorance What is it for a group to be ignorant? This is the question we answer…Charlie23 August 2020
News Rik Peels’ and Thirza Lagewaard’s paper on Group ignorance has been accepted This paper applies social epistemology to fundamentalist attitudes and defends an account of what it…Charlie1 July 2020